



bossy 威張る

in the dryer 乾燥機で

bring 持ってくる(連れてくる)

take 持っていく(連れて行く)

fly ハエ

go for a drink 飲みに行く

make it in time 間に合う

leave the office 会社を出る

by train 電車で

Is this an alcoholic drink? アルコール飲料ですか?

I have a runny nose. 鼻水が出る

Who did you get it from? 誰からもらったの?

ーI got it from my nephew.

Please be careful.  気をつけて

My child always watches cartoons before going to bed.



I can see the working space.

There are many tools.

He's working with wood.

He's wearing a face cover.

I like to make things, but I rarely do so these days.

I used to do pottery with my grandpa.

Place the clay on the turning table and shape it into the object you want to make. And then color it and put it in the kiln to fire.

rarely ほとんど〜ない

used to 動詞 昔は〜した

pottery 陶芸・焼き物

place 置く

clay 粘土・土

shape 形作る

into the object 物に向かって

put it in the kiln 窯に入れる