



I missed my station. 乗り過ごした

There's been an accident on the train. 電車で事故が発生した

I'll catch the 7am train. 私は7時の電車に乗る予定

I hate it when that happened. そういう事が起こると嫌よね

Take care. 気をつけてね

The train was crowded. 電車が混んでいた

I'll be in the office at 9. 9時に会社にいる予定

Why are you running late? なぜ遅刻するの?

The gate didn't let me through. ゲートは私を通さなかった

get through 通り抜ける

My card didn't work at the gate. 私のカードはゲートで使えなかった


I could see some sushi.

There are many kind of sushi on the plate.

There are also ginger and wasabi.

I think it's fresh fish. I like sushi very much.