


get - 受け取る

take a day off - 休みを取る 

throw - 投げる

ladder - はしご

carpenter - 大工

weight - 重り

kilogram - キログラム

two point five - 2.5

shoe - 靴1足(2つでshoes)

shoe lace - 靴紐

sit up - 腹筋

once every two weeks - 2週間に1回

with Head phones - ヘッドホンで

real eatate agent - 不動産業者

quite - 静か

at the next meeting - 次のミーティングで 

part time worker - パート社員

full time worker - 正社員

office worker - 会社員

path - 道




Hawaii has a lot of nature and delicious food.


Also, I can forget daily life and I have good time.










I took an English lesson I learned a lot so I feel so satisfied

I think I can sleep well tonight.


●take a lesson - レッスンをうける

●study - 机に向かって勉強する

●learn - 学ぶ・知識を得る

●learn a lot / learn a lot of things - 沢山勉強する

●I'm satisfied - 私は満足している

●I feel so satisfied - 私はとても満足している

●sleep well / have a good sleep - よく寝る

●I think that SV - SはVだと思う




I worked a lot yesterday so my eyes are tired.


●work - 作業はどんな内容でもwork

●housework - 家事

●homework - 宿題




Excuse me, something is wrong with it.

I don't know what happened.





midnight - 真夜中

around this time - 今頃

town - 町

ankle - 足首

flipper - 足ひれ

fin - ひれ(魚の)

ocean - 海

without - ~なしで


Why are you learning english?


Because I live in London now for my husband's job.

But, I'm a beginner at English so it is difficult for me to go shop or travel by myself.

I want to learn English skills and to get my English up to conversational level.









show - 見せる

stay - 滞在する

borrow - 借りる(無料で)

lend - 貸す(無料で物やお金を貸す)

rent - 貸す(有料で家などを貸す)

rest - 休憩する

enter - 入る

lever - レバー

save - 貯める

tongue - 舌

this week - 今週

frog - カエル

covering his eyes - 彼の目を隠す

covering his ears - 彼の耳の隠す

covering his mouth - 彼の口を隠す





selfish - わがまま

safe - 安全

lawyer - 弁護士

hair dresser - 美容師

someday - いつか

slim - 痩せる

thin - 痩せる、薄い

in half a year - 半年前

travel agent - 旅行業者(働く人・職業自体)

bottle - 飲み物の瓶

jar - 食べ物の瓶

label - ラベル (発音:レイボル)

toiletries - 洗面用品

patisserie - ケーキ屋洋菓子を専門に扱うベーカリー

croissant - クロワッサン (発音:kwo-son)






lose - 失う

fix - 直す

paste - 貼る

leg - 脚

lense - レンズ

drone - ドローン

back ground - 背景


Do you like drone?

- No,I don't.  I don't like drone.

Why not ?

- Because I can't control it well. 

出来ない - can't

上手に - well


Do you like to fly?

- No, I don't. I don't like to fly.

Why not ?

- Because I'm scared of heights

- Because I’m afraid of airplane crashes.

 怖い - scare

 高い所- heights

飛行機墜落 - airplane crashes


Have you ever try to ride an airplane?

- Yes, I have. I have tried riding an airplane.





draw - 絵を描く 

for a while - しばらく

the day after tomorrow - 明後日

erase - 消す

break - 壊す

traditional - 伝統的な

common - 一般的な

usual - 一般的な

history - 歴史

roof - 屋根

rice fields - 田んぼ

fresh air - 新鮮な空気


In country side there are many traditional houses.



I have read a history book.



I have never read a history book.
