



Dinner's ready and I run a bath.

I'm almost there.

Can you peel the potato?

Can you dice the onion?

Can you thinly slice the cabbage?

Can you chop up these green onions?

Can you crush some garic?

Can you mash the potatoes?

I've been playing games on my PS5 lately.

I got my PS5 by winning a lotely.

I bit on a game on yahoo auction last night.


I bit on a game on yahoo auction last night.

I hope you win it. What game?

Monster Hunter. I hope I win it too.

I'm a big fan of Monster Hunter.


eavesdrop 盗み聞き

I think most people eavesdrop because I do too.

I think we eavesdrop because we are interested in what other people are saying.

It's fun to hear different information and to imagine different things.