



in the past - 昔

listen to - 聴く(listen to music)

explain - 説明する 

arm - アーム・腕 

joint - つなぎ目

forehead - 額

fur - 毛

wearing glasses - 眼鏡をかける

chin - 顎

whiskers - ひげ

fight - けんかする


Do you have a pet?

Yes, I do.  I have a pet.  I have two dogs. 

One is a pug and the others is a mix.


How old are they?

Pug is 10 years old and Mix is 12 years old.

Both are females.


Do you like cats?

No, I don't. I don't like cats.


Because when I was in elementary school, a cat suddenly popped out and

I was surprised. Since then, I'm scared of cats.






plate - お皿

toy - おもちゃ

guard - 警備員

cashier - レジ係

secretary - 秘書

drunk - 酔っぱらい

license - 免許

taillight - 尾灯(車の後部ライト)

gas cap -ガソリンを入れるところのキャップ

fuel - 燃料

badge - バッジ、象徴


Do you think how old is that car?

I think it was 30 years ago.


Have you try driving a car?

Yes, I have. 

I have been driving since I was 20 years old.


Where do you usually go?

I usually go to supermarkets.


Which do you like more driving or taking the train?

I like taking  the train better than driving.





something - 何か

run-ran-run - 走る

sit-sat-sat - 座る

drow-drew-drown - 描く

break-broke-broken - 壊す

hide-hid-hidden - 隠れる

drink-drank-drunk - 飲む

throw-threw-thrown - 投げる

cabinet - 戸棚

showcase - ショーケース


How many chairs are there?

Maybe there are twenty chairs .

Do you like going to the sea?

I can't swim, but I like to see the ocean.







supervisor - 監督

manufacuturer - 製造者

employee - 従業員

logo - ロゴ

thumb - 親指

arm - 眼鏡のアーム

frame - フレーム

lens - レンズ

glasses - 眼鏡

holding - 手で持っている状態

astigmatism - 乱視



Do you wear glasses?

Yes, I do. I wear glasses only before sleeping.

I usually wear contact lenses.


Why do you wear glasses only before sleeping?

Because wearing contacts all day long makes my eyes dry

so I switch to glasses before going to sleep.


Which is better , contact lenses or glasses?

I like contact lenses better than glasses.



Because Contact lenses and glasses can see things clearly.

But, when I use glasses I cannot see the sides well.





bridge - 橋

path - 径路

roof - 屋根


Do you know Marina bay sands?

Yes, I do. I know Marina bay sands.

Have you been to there?

No, I haven't.  But, I want to go there someday.

Why do you want to go there?

Because I want to see the night view on the roof of the hotel.







tommorow too - 明日も

next Novemver - 来年の11月

knee - 膝

at the Philippines - フィリピンに

at the end of this year 今年の年末に




I like amimals. But, I hate birds. Because when I was a high school student,

I was dropped poop by birds several times.






stay - 居残りする

streeing wheel - ハンドル

streeing - 操舵

wheel - ホイール

passenger - 乗客

suspension - サスペンション

mud - 泥

venefit - メリット

experience - 経験



I got a driver's license when I was 20 years old.


I got it to drive to college.