


care worker - 介護士

politician - 政治家

accountant - 会計士

rinse - すすぐ

do the laundry - 洗濯する

around this time last year - 去年の今頃

know-knew- known - 知っている

smoke grenade - 発煙弾

protector - 保護者


You recieved a lot from her.

You gave a lot from him.


Do you think the man is dangerous?

Yes,I do. I think he is a dangerous man.


Because I can't see his face, and he looks scary.


What are the things that make you scared?

natural disasters sometimes scare me. 

For example, earthquakes and heavy rains.

I think it's the scariest thing because we never know

when it happenes and we can't go against it.