



round trip ticket- 往復切符

oneway ticket - 片道切符

per person - 一人につき

destination - 目的地、行き先

commute - 通勤、通う

lunch break - お昼休み


How much is a round trip ticket?

It's twenty-thousand and eightyone yen. (12081円)

How much is a one way ticket?

It's 60dollers and 50 cents.

How much is the admission fee?

It's six-hundred yen per person.

How long is lunch break?

It's two-hours and a half.

How many chocolates are there in this box?

There are 24. There are 24 chocolates in it.

How many eggs are there in the fridge?

I'll check.

How many calories are there in this?

There are two-thousand eight-hundred calories in it.


In my countyside, there are trams, but not in the city.

In the city, there are only trains that run on tracks or subways.