


whiskers ひげ

forehead おでこ

fur 毛

joint 接合部

flip phone ガラケー

green pepper ピーマン

safe 金庫

When she made mistakes she made excuses but now she doesn't.

They never skip lessons. They always come on time.

How long was your commute?

-It was between one hour and one hour and a half.

How many grams was bunch of bananas?

-It was about 510 grams.

91,000円 ninety-one thousand yen

152,400円 one-hundred and fifty-two thousand and four-hundred yen


I like face of a pag. because they have unique and cute face.

I like fish. I like to watch them because they make me feel relaxed.

I got popo because my friend couldn't keep him any more.

he has a lovely walk.

It's fluffy, quite and cute. 

I don't like cats because I'm afraid of their meows and their eyes.

meke me feel relaxed リラックスする

lovery かわいい

fluffy 毛並みがふわふわ

meow 鳴き声