



Were you lost then? その時道に迷ったの?

Keep it. とっておいて

Are you tired of housework? 家事に飽きましたか?

I take lunch to work every day. 毎日仕事にお弁当を持っていきます

every other year 1年おきに

quitely 静かに

time of year 時期

I have sore musles. 筋肉痛です

I have a sore throat. 喉の痛みがあります

What happened do you? 何が起きたの?

This is a smoking area. ここは喫煙所です

My feet hurt. 両足が痛い

My legs hurt. 両脚が痛い


I think this picture is in Eroupe.

Because the style of the building is European.

Also, I'm in London now, and it rains a lot, so it's often dark like picture.

I prefer the countryside to the city because the city is too crowded and tiring. 

London is always crowded, just like tokyo.