



How much is the admission fee?

It's 600 yen.

Ok, Can I get 4 tickets?

Sure. It's 2400 yen in total.

Oh no, I don't have any money in my wallet.

Can I pay by credit card?

Sorry, but fortunately there is an ATM near here.

Thank you, I'll back soon.


Can I make a reservation for dinner?

What time do you want to come?

Can I make a reservation for 7:00 PM?

Sorre, there aren't any free tables.

How about 7:30 PM or 8:00 PM?

How many people are there in your group?

I'm in trouble.

What happened to you ?

I'm in love with her.

I know, everyone knows, she knows too.

I'm a little shy.

So what?

That's because you drank too much.


I saw this place in Japan.

This place is counrty side.

There are three old japanese houses.

There is a rice field.