



by mistake 間違って

weed the garden 庭の草取りをする

change my baby's diaper 私の赤ちゃんのおむつをかえる

turn on the stove コンロの火をつける

deep fry some tempura 天ぷらを揚げる

turan down the flame(heet) 火を弱める

sit down at the desk 席に座る

take my smartphone out of my bag 私の携帯をバッグから取り出す

wipe my hands with a wet towel おしぼりで手を拭く

before entering the room 部屋に入る前に

before eating 食べる前に


I went to the hairdresser last week.

I wanted to change my hair color to brown but it turned out black.

I'm not really satisfied.

I'll try changing it to my favorite color by myself next time.


I feel a little bored in the lessons because I don't have much to think about,

and I feel like the teacher is just listening to my read.

Of course, when it comes to conversation,there are a lot of words I don't know,

and I still can't express what I want to say properly