



It's raining today so I feel gloomy.

It's been a while since it rained last.

It's been a while since SV... ...してからしばらくたつ

I prefer sunny days to rainy days because sunny days make me happy.

Sunny days cheer me up. 

not ...much あまり...ない

I don't know much about it.

I have no idea about it. 

I didn't understand the story very much but I enjoyed watching it. 

not ...any = no 全部...ない、

I didn't undertand the story at all. 

I didn't understand any of the contents. 

I understood nothing. 

I knew the story but I didn't understand what the actors were saying.

I didn't understand what you just said. 

Could you say that again?

My hair got badly damaged.

hair dye

suggest 提案する

preference 好み

If I can't tell them my preference clearly, they don't get me.

as a result 結果として

make myself understood  =自分の言いたいことを理解してもらう

I told him what I wanted but he didn't seem to undersatnd me

so I thought I couldn't make myself understood by him.

seem to do -するように見える

It seems to rain/ It seems to be rainy 雨が降りそうだ

He seems tired.  彼は疲れているように見える(雰囲気)

He looks tired.  彼は疲れているように見える(目視で)

hair salon 美容室、hair dressor 美容師

he doesn't know either 〜も(否定のときeither)

quaranteened  検疫

go on a trip 旅行に行く

Belgium ベルギー