



wall - 壁

bricks wall - レンガ壁

brick - レンガ

delete - 削除する

forward - 転送する

destination - 目的地

ground - 地面

rude - 失礼

polite - 礼儀正しい

niece - 姪

grandchildren - 孫 

nephew - 甥っ子




No, I've never been to Hongkong Disneyland.

But I've been to Hongkong 2 years ago with my family.








I'm going to eat noodle for lunch.



I will make Oyakodon for dinner.



The london food is not to my taste.



Japanese food has a delicate taste, but London food has no taste!



The only food that tasetd good was the bread.





care worker - 介護士

politician - 政治家

accountant - 会計士

rinse - すすぐ

do the laundry - 洗濯する

around this time last year - 去年の今頃

know-knew- known - 知っている

smoke grenade - 発煙弾

protector - 保護者


You recieved a lot from her.

You gave a lot from him.


Do you think the man is dangerous?

Yes,I do. I think he is a dangerous man.


Because I can't see his face, and he looks scary.


What are the things that make you scared?

natural disasters sometimes scare me. 

For example, earthquakes and heavy rains.

I think it's the scariest thing because we never know

when it happenes and we can't go against it.







rocks - 岩

bottom - 下

station worker - 駅員

politician - 政治家

accountant - 会計士

bamboo tree - 竹

relieve stress - ストレスの緩和

the unusual - 非日常

As always - いつものように

inside - 内部

a number of A - 多くのA

the number of A - Aの数



I have never seen it in London.


I felt a sence of japan in this photo.


I have never been hiking.


But, I don't like it because I'm not very good at exercising.





allow - 許す

flowrist - 花屋

leave - 残す

image - 画像

rent-rend-rend - 貸す(有料)

grass - 草

sheep - 羊

wolf - 狼

wool - 羊毛

dump - 捨てる

industrial waste - 産業廃棄物

strictly - 厳しく

prohibit - 〜を禁止する

foreigner - 外国人

manner - 風習

custom - 習慣

spend A(時間)doing - Aを〜して過ごす

consider - 検討する

a large amount of - 多くの(数えられない物の時)






I have two dogs.

One is a pug and the other is a mix.

Both are at my parents home.







explain - 説明する

emotional - 感情的

lonely - 孤独、寂しい

tie - ネクタイ

light bulb - 電球

comfortable - 快適

carpenter - 大工さん

baker - パン屋

gardener - 庭師

farmer - 農家

flowlist - 花屋

in the morning - 午前中に


I wore it when I was a student and when I was hunting for a job.

I think it is tought to wear a suit. 


I like simple and casual clothes.

It is easy and I think it suits me best.







recieve - 受け取る

the day before yesterday - 一昨日

chopsticks - 箸

lose-lost-lost - 負ける

show-showed-shown - 見せる

rest-rested-rested - 休む

knuckles - 手の指関節

square - 正方形


Do you like puzzles and games?

Yes, I do. I like puzzles but I don't like games.


Why you don't like games?

Because I'm not very interested in games and

I get tired of the game quickly.


The weather in London is usually bad.


London is fan because it has a lot of park and nice buildings.

There are a lot of places I want to go,

but now London is locked down so I have not gone out.


Delicious foods and my favorite idols makes me happy.

But, London food doesn't taste good to me so I cook Japanese food by myself.