




hung out - 干す(過去形)

iyorned - アイロンする(過去形)

chatted - チャットする(過去形)

discipline - 規律

naughty - いたずら

vaccines - ワクチン

scold - 叱る

get angry - 怒る,腹を立てる

miss - 恋しい


If a child is naughty, what do Japanese moms do?

Japanese moms get angry and scold their children, but they don't hit them.


Have you had the vaccines?

Not yet

What do you think about giving vaccines?

I think it is good for me to protect myself, but I'm afraid of side effects.

I heard that my friend had some side effects.

joint pain, chill, and fever.  


What do you miss most?

I miss my normal life.

I want to go shopping and traveling without thinking about anything else.