




study - 机に向かって勉強する 

learn - 知識を習得する


I'm tired because I study english hard everyday.

I always watch moveis and news in English.

It is difficult for me to understand what people said in English,

but I can learn a lot of things by doing these things.


virus - ウイルス

get infected - 感染する


No, I haven't. Because if I go to restaurants, I may get infected.


has/have been getting better - 状況が良くなりつつある

state  - 状態

the state of emergency - 緊急事態

lifted - 解除する

since then - その時から


Lodon's state of emergency was lifted on April 12th since then

the situation has been getting better.


be in a bad mood - 機嫌が悪い

be in a good mood - 機嫌がいい


I'm in a dad mood today.


expiration date - 賞味期限

expire - 期限が切れる

past~ - ~をこえる(前置詞)


This meat is past its expiration date.

This meat is expired.


drive- drove-driven 運転する


Don't fall asleep while driving.


traffic - 交通量

transportation facilities - 交通機関

busy - 混雑している

complicated - 複雑だ

take - 交通手段を利用する

get on - 〜に乗る


the traffic is busy.

there are many roads.

the road are complicated.

we usually take trains and buses or walk.