



Can I sit here?  I'm tired.

Sure, you look tired. You should sit.

Thank you. 

What happened to you? Are you ok?

Ah, I'm ok. Maybe I'm drunk.

Oh ok. I'll bring some water for you. Just wait here.


What do you need? Do you need more time?

No, I'm ready. Let's go.

Do we need a rental car?

I have a car. I'll drive.

Sounds fun! Please drive safely.

Right! That's a good point.


Are we on time?

No, we're a little late.

What time is our meeting?

It starts from 3:00pm.

And, what time is it now?

It's 3:00 sharp.(It's just on 3:00./ It's exactly 3:00)



I couldn't(didn't) catch that. Could you say that again?

I don't get it. Can you explain that?

Sorry, what did you say?

Please tell me the answer. It's difficult to translate.

It's a little difficult but I continue training.


There are some exercise goods on the table.

There are weights and a pair pf shoes.

There is also a exercise ball.

All of them are blue.


I sometimes do stretching in my house.

I go to the park to walking.

I have breakfast and dinner everyday.

I always skip lunch so I get hungry around 3 to 4 pm.